International trends in eye color change and cosmetic surgery:
1- Keratopigmentation surgery
This process began in Spain 15 years ago, then in France in 2013, then spread to America and is currently spreading to countries around the world.
It is carried out in Spain by Prof. Dr. Jorge Alio, and many Spanish professors at the Alicante Eye Institute in Barcelona.
It is performed in France by Professor Dr. Georges Baikov at the University of Paris and Dr. Francis Ferrari, and other surgeons in Paris.
It is performed in America by many surgeons, led by Professor Dr. Alexander Movchovich at Cornell University in New York
In Egypt and the Middle East, Prof. Dr. Osama El Nahrawy, Professor and Eye Surgeon at the Faculty of Medicine and President of the Egyptian Society for Femtolizer Eye Surgery (37 years of experience in eye surgeries) is considered the first eye surgeon to perform it in Egypt and the Middle East
You can look at these sites in France, Spain and America and see many people before the operation and after the operation and note the colors that were used and their degrees and what is written under them because you will choose the color that you like from them, and we, God willing, will bring you the color from France.
We in Cairo do it in the same way, with the same femtolasers and the same color from the French company
Light green sea water and ocean blue sea water
Cosmetic laser iridoplasty
2- The laser depigmentation
We also have laser eye color lightening, in the form of repeated sessions, without surgery for those who are suitable for that. (It is not completely suitable for black or dark brown eyes, and in these eyes
it reduces the degree of blackness and the degree of dark brown, and gives a better color, and it needs to be in good light to show the lightening that occurred. Those with medium and hazel eyes may get beautiful light colors such as gray mixed with hazel and the closest to olive